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Natural Seeds

Leading Manufacturer of natural green pumpkin seeds, hybrid watermelon seeds, natural sabja seed, doozy chia seeds, brown flax seeds and natural sunflower kernals from Pune.
Natural Green Pumpkin Seeds

Natural Green Pumpkin Seeds

Rs 580  / KgGet Best Price
Packaging TypePouch, bag
Is It OrganicOrganic
Country of OriginMade in India
Natural Green Pumpkin Seeds

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Hybrid Watermelon Seeds

Hybrid Watermelon Seeds

Rs 900  / KgGet Best Price
Packaging Size1 kg
Shelf Life1 Year
Country of OriginMade in India

Product Detail :
If you are looking for a food that’s controls your diet intake as well as gives you the required amount of nutrition, then look no further. Our premium package of nutrition filled food in the form of Hybrid Watermelon Seeds will be delivered right at your doorstep.

Its a full package and by package we mean a package full of nutrition. It gives a glowing skin. removes acne and early signs of aging. Watermelon seeds have a high content of copper, manganese and potassium which strengthen the bone and bone density. The nutrients in watermelon seeds boosts body’s metabolism. Due to the presence of magnesium these seeds can also cure hypertension, which is directly related to the heart health. Consumption of the watermelon seeds daily in moderate quantity helps in boosting your heart health and maintaining your blood pressure.

How to use:
There are many countries who uses watermelon seeds as a yummy snack, as they can be eaten raw, salted or roasted. roast the seeds in a pan and store them for many days in airtight containers. They are also used as sprinklers in soups, salads, breads, sweets and cakes.

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Natural Sabja Seed

Natural Sabja Seed

Rs 94  / PouchGet Best Price
Packaging Size250 gram
Packaging TypePlastic Pouch
Shelf Life1 Year
Country of OriginMade in India
Product Detail :
Natural Sabja Seed are tiny black seeds that looks like mustard seeds but black in colour. They used to be very important among the Mayans and Aztecs in the earlier days and only recently have it been recognized as super food in the modern world.

Don't go by the size of it as even an ounce of them have hundreds of nutritional benefits. They are organic food and is a whole grain food which makes them gluten free. They are another category of food that contains omega-3 and is usually consumed by people who are conscious of their food intake.

How to use:
The taste of these tiny seeds is bland which makes it an exciting addition in any kind of dish because all it gives is nutrition. You don???t have to ground them into paste which makes it easier to include them in your recipe. Add them to you juice, porridge, pudding, smoothies, shakes or any baked food.

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Doozy Chia Seeds

Doozy Chia Seeds

Rs 400  / KgGet Best Price
Packaging TypePP Woven Bag
Shelf Life1 Year
Country of OriginMade in India
Product Detail :
Doozy Chia Seeds are tiny black seeds that looks like mustard seeds but black in colour. They used to be very important among the Mayans and Aztecs in the earlier days and only recently have it been recognized as super food in the modern world.

Don’t go by the size of it as even an ounce of them have hundreds of nutritional benefits. They are organic food and is a whole grain food which makes them gluten free. They are another category of food that contains omega-3 and is usually consumed by people who are conscious of their food intake.

How to use:
The taste of these tiny seeds is bland which makes it an exciting addition in any kind of dish because all it gives is nutrition. You don’t have to ground them into paste which makes it easier to include them in your recipe. Add them to you juice, porridge, pudding, smoothies, shakes or any baked food.

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Brown Flax Seeds

Brown Flax Seeds

Rs 150  / KgGet Best Price
Packaging TypePacket
Shelf Life1 Year
Country of OriginMade in India

Product Detail :
Consumed for about 6000 years now, Brown Flax Seeds are super food that are one among the highest produced foods. These tiny brown or tan coloured seeds are a powerhouse of nutrition.

Omega-3 which is very much essential for the body are mostly found in fish and for vegans these plant based food is the richest substitute to fish. They are also the greatest source of lignans which is a must for the human diet. They also cure hyperlipidemia which means the body has abnormally high amount of concentrated fats that is injurious for your heart.

How to use:
Drink them with water as part of your daily fluid intake. Its also used for dressing salads, thickening smoothies and also as an substitute for egg. Other than being used as a food ingredient flax seeds are also famous for textile production. Popularly known as linen cloth they are also used to produce bed sheets, table linen, shirts, underclothes etc.

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Natural Sunflower Kernals

Natural Sunflower Kernals

Rs 400  / KgGet Best Price
Packaging TypePacket
Shelf Life1 Year
Country of OriginMade in India
Product Detail :
Technically speaking Natural Sunflower Seeds are actually a fruit of the sunflower plant and are harvested only from the biggest flower heads. Sunflowers are usually harvested for two purpose, one for the seeds and other for the oil. The seeds taste nutty and mild with a tender texture and you can buy both raw and roasted seeds.

They are great in lowering your blood pressure level and supports the skin’s health. They are also happy boosters as they elevates your mood and gives you a proper restful sleep at night. They also have proteins that are beneficial for hair growth.

How to use:
The flower itself looks amazing and gives one a sunny feeling, similarly the crunchy seeds stand up to be a wonderful snack on its own. Add an ounce of seeds to your cold or hot beverage to give it a nutty twist. Many chefs around the world use them as sprinklers in salads and traditional dishes.

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